Your Braking Technique

In the world of sim racing, braking is one of the most crucial aspects of driving. To become a top-performing racer in iRacing, you need to have a solid understanding of braking techniques. Here are some tips to help you improve your braking technique in Sim Racing.

Know Your Braking Points

Every track has specific braking points where you should begin to brake for a turn. Take some time to study the track maps and familiarize yourself with the braking zones. You can also use reference markers like boards or signs to help you remember where to brake.


Maximilian does an excellent job explaining it in this video from the OverTake_gg YouTube channel.

Practice Trail Braking

Scott nails it, as usual, explaining trail braking in this video from the Driver61 YouTube channel.  Visit their  Driver’s University, it is great.

Trail braking is a technique that involves braking while turning. Doing this allows you to carry more speed through a turn and ultimately reduce your lap times. However, it’s important to note that trail braking requires a lot of skill and practice.

To practice trail braking, start by braking as you usually would. As you approach the turn, start to release the brake pedal while turning the wheel. This will transfer the car’s weight to the front tires, allowing you to carry more speed through the turn.

Adjust Your Braking Pressure for Different driving lines.

When taking different racing lines, adjusting your braking pressure is essential. For example, if you’re taking an inside line, you’ll need to brake harder and earlier to make the turn, as you’ll be entering at a sharper angle. On the other hand, if you’re taking an outside line, you’ll need to brake later and lighter, as you’ll be entering the turn at a wider angle.

It’s important to note that you cannot learn to adjust your braking pressure for different driving lines overnight. It takes practice and experience to know how much pressure to apply at various points on the track. In addition, knowing your car’s weight distribution is essential, as it can affect your braking performance.

In summary, adjusting your braking pressure for different driving lines is crucial in sim racing. With practice and experience, you can learn to apply the correct amount of pressure at the right time, giving you the advantage you need to win races.

Use Your ABS Effectively

Use Your ABS Effectively

Anti-lock braking systems (ABS) can be a valuable tool in iRacing. They prevent your wheels from locking up during hard braking, allowing you to maintain control of the car. However, it’s essential to use your ABS effectively.

To use your ABS effectively, apply consistent pressure to the brake pedal. You don’t want to brake too hard, as this can cause the ABS to activate and reduce your braking performance. Instead, try to find the optimal braking pressure for each turn.

Adjusting Brake Bias for Optimal Performance in Sim Racing

Danny does an amazin job explaining it in this video from Danny Lee’s  YouTube channel.

In sim racing, the balance of your car’s braking system plays a crucial role in your lap times and overall performance. This is because the brake bias determines the distribution of braking power between the front and rear wheels, affecting the car’s handling, stability, and cornering speed.

Adjusting the brake bias is particularly important when driving on different track surfaces, in weather conditions, or using other tire compounds. By fine-tuning the brake balance, you can optimize your car’s grip and traction and prevent lock-ups or skids.

One way to adjust the brake bias in sim racing is by using a controller or a button on your steering wheel. This allows you to increase or decrease the percentage of braking power applied to the front or rear wheels, depending on the driving line, corner radius, or speed.

For example, if you are entering a tight hairpin turn, you may want to shift more braking power to the rear wheels, to prevent the front wheels from locking up and losing grip. On the other hand, if you are approaching a high-speed straightaway, you may want to bias the brakes towards the front wheels to achieve maximum deceleration and avoid oversteer.

The Brake Bias During the Race

Another strategy is gradually adjusting the brake bias during the race as the track conditions change or your tires wear out. By keeping an eye on the brake balance indicator or the telemetry data, you can monitor the effectiveness of your braking and adjust the bias accordingly.

However, it’s important to note that adjusting the brake bias can significantly impact your car’s handling and may require some trial and error to find the optimal setting. It’s also important to consider the specific characteristics of your vehicle and your driving style and any league or race regulations that may limit the range of adjustments.

In summary, it is a great braking technique; adjusting the brake bias is crucial for sim racers who want to optimize their performance and stay competitive. Using a controller or a button on your steering wheel, you can fine-tune the percentage of braking power applied to the front and rear wheels, depending on the driving conditions and your driving style. Experiment with different settings and strategies, and see how they affect your lap times and consistency.


In conclusion, braking is a crucial aspect of driving in Sim Racing. You can become a top-performing racer by following these tips and practising your braking technique. Remember to be patient and consistent, as improving your braking technique takes time and practice. Happy racing!

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